Saturday, February 27, 2016

Xcode coloured logs | Swift

For Obj-C I used to love this one: It gave me superman-like capabilities, and I could have various type of console log outputs, which I could turn on/off, and with any colour I desired. Fantastic!

But then I started playing around with Swift. But the same library is not done in the same quality for Swift. Yes - I get coloured logs, but one of XcodeColors features I loved was that it also logged out pretty timestamp and function from which it was called.  I could simply write


And it would output in console something like:

And it was great! but for swift it produces:

So, I was not in search of something similar to Obj-C alternative.

Of course if you simply replace print with NSLog, then it at once becomes more usable:

But still, no function origin.

So I searched the web, StackOverflow until I could gather together a simple class, which gives me just those capabilities:

So now I can get pretty timestamp, original function name, and coloured output. And usage is as similar to Obj-C alternative as possible!


LogRed("Blue test")
LogBlue("Red fountain")
LogOrange("Yellow submarine")
LogBlue("text count \(5) and object \(window)")

LogOrange(("text", "bext", 5, temp))

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